MBH’s Response to COVID-19: A Message From Our Chief Medical Officer


As the situation involving COVID-19 (coronavirus) continues to evolve, we wanted to inform you about how we are ensuring the health and safety of our patients, their families, and our employees at Meadows Behavioral Healthcare. In these uncertain times, we are committed to continue providing trusted information, excellent healthcare, and a host of life-saving services to those in need.

Perhaps more than ever, we believe people need a treatment center they can trust. We are relying on decades of respected healthcare experience and proactive implementation of the most recent scientific guidelines to help patients, families, and referents navigate critical treatment decisions. We are making every effort to strike a balance between decisively taking steps to ensure safety and thoughtfully maintaining therapeutic treatment settings where people can heal.

Our inpatient treatment centers have highly trained nurses on campus 24 hours per day, every day of the week, and both medical and psychiatric providers on campus every day of the week and taking call 24 hours per day. These experienced and caring medical professionals have been trained in the prevention and management of infectious diseases – they are well-prepared for whatever might lie ahead. We also work closely with local hospitals to facilitate testing, medical work-ups, and a higher-level of medical care, if needed.

There are no reports of COVID-19 on any of our campuses. We have taken many steps to prevent and minimize the spread of infectious diseases at our treatment centers and we are prepared to address any potential cases. We are following state and federal health agency recommendations, as well as recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), to ensure that we have the most up-to-date information to guide our policies and procedures.

These are some of the measures we have put in place to ensure safety for our patients, their families, and our employees:

  • Prior to admission, asking potential patients questions about travel, flu-like symptoms, and their contact with individuals who are confirmed or suspected of having COVID-19
  • Instructing staff to stay home if they are sick, pursuant to CDC recommendations
  • Limiting business-related travel to essential trips only, requiring administrative authorization
  • Increased cleaning and sanitation services across our campuses, posted educational material for patients and staff regarding personal hygiene, and increased availability of sanitation materials
  • Implemented hand hygiene protocols in accordance with guidelines issued by the CDC
  • Increased company-wide and site-specific educational trainings on the transmission, recognition, and treatment of COVID-19
  • Implemented protocols for improved ventilation of meeting spaces and increased social distancing among patients and staff, as recommended by the CDC
  • Developed specific health and safety protocols for patients presenting with flu-like symptoms, including emergency quarantine protocols
  • Suspended weekend visitation to our facilities and limiting off-campus excursions by patients. We have implemented additional times and means for patients to connect with family and friends via phone and computer.
  • Carefully screening participants in our family therapy programs and implementing processes to limit exposure, reduce risk, and keep patients, their family members, and employees safe

We have taken these steps in a thoughtful and careful manner to ensure that people can continue to receive the highest level of care in the safest possible environment. This is a complex and rapidly evolving situation, so we ask for your trust and patience as we join you in navigating this unfamiliar territory. We feel confident that we have the preparation and experience necessary to successfully manage these challenges. Thank you for trusting us.
JC Signature

Dr. Jon Caldwell, D.O., Ph.D.
Chief Medical Officer

Jon Caldwell